Our curriculum at Mt Wellies ELC is built from our New Zealand Early Childhood Curriculum – Te Whariki. We weave learning strands and principles from this document with an assessment process called Te Whatu Pokeka. The purpose of this process is to recognise, celebrate and understand children’s individual culture, uniqueness and identity. We document children’s Kaupapa Māori learning dispositions and analyse their learning against a holistic tauparapara (growth and development concepts) where their whanau, whakapapa and rangatiratanga are valued. This represents our emergent planning process for individual children.
For our classroom programme planning, we focus on Noticing, Recognising, Responding and Reflecting on individual kaupapa Maori learning dispositions that are representative of children’s group interests. We have a range of planned and spontaneous learning experiences that focus on highlighting children’s voice, parent/whanau aspirations and collaboration. We aim to support, extend and challenge children’s creativity, critical thinking, problem solving and exploration.
For more information regarding our planning and assessment processes, check out our key curriculum documents: